
Built a Kanga kit and proud  of yor work? then send me a photo of your kit in use and I will include it here.

Your Photos

Warren G4HZI

OSK  Module Fitted in his own case

Daniel M0SDB

40M Rooster 

John M0CDL

Rooster and MTM ATU


40M Rooster

Heinz HB9BCB

Dual Band Rooster c/w  Built in Keyer (almost!)

Heinz HB9BCB

PTM Transmatch ATU & I see a Kanga in-line volume control too!  Thanks Heinz

Shefford ARDS Construction Contest ' Best Kit ' Award

This is Victors (G3JNB) award for his build of the Rooster at his clubs competition , well done Victor!

Stephen Slaters Build-a-thon Morse tutor

Stephan's B.A.T kit mounted on a board with his old WT8 Key, he takes this around his his club to give demos. Trhanks for the photo Stephen.