Free Stuff and useful links
Here You will find a number of links to useful stuff i find on the web. I also will put links to good downloads like software to decode Morse (can be used with a number of our Kits)
My Guide to Learn Morse
This is my Guide to learning Morse Code, I get asked about how to start learning many times a week so in th eend i wrote this short 'guide', remember its just my thoughts so please done flame me if you dont agree!
Please feel free to download a copy of this pdf by clicking on the image on the left.
QSO Text Files for G4FON's Morse tutor software
Bill (G0ELZ) as produced a large text file full of QSO format passages, these are a great way to practice your receiving skills by loading them into a morse translator or better still use them with G4FON suber Morse traing package for the PC. Bill has given permission to host these on my site for FISTS which I am very glad to do. Feel Free to download them by clicking on the FISTS Logo.
Clubs and Societies
ICWC International CW Council
Other interesting Sites
CWget , Good Free CW Decoder
FLDigi MuiltMode Data Coms (also a good CW Decoder)
A great Morse tutor package you can download. (Its Free too!)
This is the best PC Morse tutor I have seen. I recommend this one. This is a great way to learn, Use this at home when you can and then when you know the sound of the letters use one of my Tutors, You get the best of both worlds.